Parents with children facing their senior year of school also turn their attention to things like photographs, particularity senior pictures. Senior pictures have been a tradition for many years and are seen by most parents as the last opportunity to take pictures of their children while they're still children. Senior picture packages offered through schools however are often expensive and limited. Parents who object to such prices and limited options however needn't fret. Orange County photographer Carol Bridges regularly work with families who have children entering their senior year of high school and offers senior packages that can be customized to fit the desires of parents as well as their budgets.

While you're considering this please take time to view the Orange County photographers senior pictures gallery. You may also peruse the rest of her site for samples of her work and details regarding her packages. Should you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact Carol for assistance.
Carol Bridges
32002 Lomita Dr.
Trabuco Canyon, CA 92679
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